So I finally went through my stuff and checked it out.
Here's what's been bugging me:
In a recent Daily Press article, found HERE, my boyfriend, David Hudgins (who apparently isn't that into me) addressed the issue of proffers:
"Old Dominion's proffers to Dendron, including water system repairs, a new playground and new sidewalks, depend on whether the facility is built, Hudgins said. With the exception of a $50,000 advance that Old Dominion paid the town two years ago, the rest of the proffers are in limbo, he added."
See, that doesn't jive with the proffers that I saw and blogged about HERE:
The proffers I'm looking at (dated Jan. 21, 2010) seem to say that $100,000 is to be given within 90 days of zoning approval (pending, of course, challenge), and the remaining $500,000 for water to be given upon obtaining a "building permit for construction of any buildings associated with the power plant" or upon the "Town obtaining a sufficient grant to make all necessary repairs to the Town water system"--whichever occurs first.
ODEC gave Dendron an "advance" of $50,000, but they should have given them another $50,000 after this latest zoning approval, which occurred in early March--over 5 months ago.
That shouldn't be "in limbo." No lawsuit this time. Ninety days, over and out.
That should be paid, check cashed, and probably already spent by now.
So, what happened?
Did ODEC "misspeak" in the paper (again ::cough::)?
Did ODEC have a "miscommunication" (again ::cough::)?
Does ODEC think this is a "novel interpretation" of the proffers (again ::cough::)?
Did ODEC, knowing they would get unanimous votes this last round, modify their proffers before reapplying?
Given the enthusiasm Dendron's Mayor exhibited at the last check for $50,000 ("Look at all those ZEROS!!"), one would think she'd be knocking down ODEC's door:
"I want my $50,000!"
So, wassup, ODEC? You gonna pay these people who broke the law for you? Who did exactly what you asked them to do? Who held up their end of the bargain and rezoned 3/4 of their town to heavy industry? Who trusted you time and time again despite all the evidence to the contrary?
Or do they not rate, either?
Oooooooo, Betsy Girl, I think you've been paying attention. Go to the head of the class. Do keep us posted on this.....