Monday, November 7, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

A few years ago, my son wrote a "book" about the coal plant:

"The coal plant is stupid."

"The coal plant kills dogs."

"The coal plant kills people."

I don't know about dogs, but coal plants do kill tens of thousands of people every single year. At least according to the scientists, medical people, and the EPA.
That does sound like a pretty crazy way to get electricity.

I mean, if someone told you had to sacrifice your child on an alter to run your TV what would you say?

If someone told you had to sacrifice your child on an alter to run your neighbor's TV what would you say?

That's pretty much what's being asked of the people in my community.

I might be partial, but I think my boy is right, the coal plant is definitely "stoopit."

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