Friday, December 30, 2011

Why I Fight

Why-I-Fight Fridays -- A glimpse into what's keeping me fighting this fight.

What keeps you fighting? Leave a comment or a link to your blog.

Solidarity, baby!

 * * * * * * *

Because this would probably be safer for my kids to play in
than the neurtoxins and carcinogens left behind from a coal plant
--none of which I could see to avoid.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fight On

Last week ODEC announced that they will reapply to the Town of Dendron for the necessary local permits to move forward with the coal plant. You can read a local news article about it HERE.

Needless to say, I am disappointed.

I'm not entirely convinced that the project isn't dead. According to the article above,

"The date of the new public hearing — and a subsequent town council vote — for the proposed power station will not be set until 2012."
That's fairly vague: 2012. Plenty of room to quietly fade away into the sunset.

Not counting on it, but a girl can dream.

In the meantime?

Bring. It.

We are ready to fight. We've kicked these clowns over and over again, and we're ready to do it some more. We're rested. We're reinvigorated by this lawsuit win. We've heard their lawyer's canned responses so often, we could repeat them from memory.

There are simply too many questions and too many holes in their story to slide by without a whole lot of red flags for any critical thinker not to notice.

More and more people know about this project and are against it.

More and more communities and groups have passed resolutions against it.

More and more government agencies are realizing the science on coal is in....and it's not safe.

So, we'll rally our ever-growing troops and fight them every step of the way.

This time of year my kids and I love to watch the holiday classic, Home Alone.

I can't help but be inspired by some of the lines in the movie:

"This is my house, I have to defend it!"

I feel the same way. This is my house, my community, our local-based business, our air and water, our planet. I have to defend it!

But my all time favorite quote--that couldn't be more applicable at this time--is this gem:

"You guys give up yet? Or are you thirsty for more?"

Because let me tell you, we've got plenty more where that came from. We're fighting for our lives, our homes, and all that we cherish. And like a local hero I know said to ODEC last year at the public hearings:

"We won't stop until you do."

So here we go--it's fight time.

And as the kids say, it is on. Like Donkey Kong.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why I Fight

Why-I-Fight Fridays -- A glimpse into what's keeping me fighting this fight.

What keeps you fighting? Leave a comment or a link to your blog.

Solidarity, baby!

 * * * * * * *

Because it's the season for miracles.

Wishing you all wonderful holidays from my family to yours! xoxo

Friday, December 16, 2011

Why I Fight

Why-I-Fight Fridays -- A glimpse into what's keeping me fighting this fight.

What keeps you fighting? Leave a comment or a link to your blog.

Solidarity, baby!

 * * * * * * *

Because fog is beautiful; smog is not.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why I Fight

Why-I-Fight Fridays -- A glimpse into what's keeping me fighting this fight.

What keeps you fighting? Leave a comment or a link to your blog.

Solidarity, baby!

 * * * * * * *

Because our waterways are beautiful . . . and already full of mercury.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Counting Down

This time of year brings about a lot of "day counting" in my home, as I'm sure it does in many other homes. In anticipation of Christmas, every day my kids check their advent calendars and count off squares on the wall calendar. Their enthusiasm is contagious and it's sweet to see how intensely they wish they could speed up time to just get there already!

I will be feeling that angst along side them this year. Acutely.

Apparently, in two weeks ODEC will decide whether or not to reapply to the Town of Dendron for the coal plant (read about the history of that HERE) or whether or not to scrap the entire project altogether.

Scrap the entire project altogether.

Done. Gone. Finito.

The day I have dreamed about for how many years now?

And we have to wait two weeks to find out?!


Only fourteen more days.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why I Fight

Why-I-Fight Fridays -- A glimpse into what's keeping me fighting this fight.

What keeps you fighting? Leave a comment or a link to your blog.

Solidarity, baby!

 * * * * * * *

Because there are certain inalienable rights to country living:
Clean air, delicious well water, and your neighbor's farm fresh eggs.

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